This photo of Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, sporting sunglasses on C17 plane texting is the latest meme to sweep the internet. HRC, the badass, has her very own dedicated Tumblr, Texts from Hillary. The Tumblr site is the creation of of D.C. PR guys Adam Smith and Stacy Lambe. The gag is based on two very similar photos — shot last October by Kevin Lamarque (Reuters) and Diana Walker (Time)
When I saw the photo back in October, I could totally relate to the commentary about wearing sunglasses inside -- hey when you look good in them you want to wear them everywhere and badasses usually do. More importanlty, rather than looking hungover or like a vampire, Clinton embodies the third thing someone wearing sunglasses inside might be — cooler than your brain could possibly comprehend.
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is much more than a muse to woman. It's very satisfying when one of the most powerful women in the "free world" inspires Internet brilliance. This photo reinforces she is a bad ass and so do the results: Texts from Hillary has been shared on 46,100 Facebook profiles, generating 172,054 likes or comments.
Follow the the sites generating fuel for this viral fire:
- Texts From Hillary:
- Twitter Stream:!/textfromhillary