Not just for the digi-rati crowd anymore. Can we say "mainstream?" You can now follow the paper's publisher is @twhunter. I think we playing in Peoria!
Now twitter needs to charge the Trib for the service. thoughts?
If you have not followed you must. Visual Goodness is using twitter all you to join in on their story in OZ. Shoot... become a character and write your story.
The film industry has finally caught on that there is more to promoting their content properties than launching a branded widget or throwing up a MySpace community. If you want to create a real fan, involve them in storyline and blur the line between the story and their reality.
This is exactly what Hollywood has begun doing. Lets start with the site for the film 2012. A faux group called the Institute for Human Continuity is focused on
ensuring the existence of human life after Earth is decimated by a
series of events foretold by the Mayans. The Institute has several possible
disaster scenarios outlined and links to survival guidebooks --
including one detailing how to survive a tsunami.
Visitors to the
Institute can sign up for the IHC Lottery, which offers people across
the globe an equal chance at living through the year 2012. I love this approach because it is what Hollywood does best. Ahhh!!!! (sign of relief) The message and the medium sharing an idea and space in a viewer's life.
Move over visual voice mail! Google new Voice application improves the way you use your phone. You can get transcripts of your voicemail (see the video below) and archive and
search all of the SMS text messages you send and receive. You can also
use the service to make low-priced international calls and easily
access Goog-411 directory assistance.
Google Voice will be available to existing users of GrandCentral. GrandCentral offers many great features, including a single number to
ring your home, work, and mobile phones, a central voicemail inbox that
you could access on the web, and the ability to screen calls by
listening in live as callers leave a voicemail. You'll find these
features, and more, in the Google Voice preview. Grand Central reminds me of the old Webly virtual assistant application.
I love this...Help Trojan donate 1,000,000 condoms!
The site is loaded with great content. Evolve One, Evolve All has it all - widgets, celeb. interviews and an area that allows you to upload your video (or just go live from the web cam). The effort seems to generating all types of content for the brand.
The morning of the Daytona 500 I awoke to my iPhone mail box ringing. It was a note from Jack Daniels (JD). The timing of their newsletter was perfect as I was in Daytona and they were launching their new car. When I arrived at the carnival JD had one of the best mobile displays. It was a mobile distillery, to get in you had to present your ID. This extravagant set up was made for the NASCAR audience. It even included a vendor who was mixing Jack and Coke at 11am. Nice!
I am giving their brand folks a high five! Know your audience. Know why they love you. Try to make yourself accessible to them and their friends where they're most passionate. All brands should be so consistent and deliver on a promise of mellowing spirits since 1866.
Seems so simple and worth every penny if you do the right thing with the data that you collect.
Crispin Porter + Bogusky knows how to start a conversation. They also know how to use that conversation to sell burgers! In partnership with Burger King they are standing strong with the Virgins. Yah, you heard me... I said "virgin"! (and i don't mean the now defunct US mega-store.) The concept is straightforward: You have to find people who never tasted a
hamburger before. Then you have to
feed each of them a Whopper and a Big Mac, and let them decide which
was more pleasing to their palates. The ultimate taste test.
From tracking down burger "virgins" in your network, to asking people to
sacrifice Facebook friends, Burger King publicized its product - but
also polarized the press. They did so knowing their job is not to please the press, but to excite fast-foodies. Think about it...Who would you sacrifice a Facebook friendship with to get a free Whopper? I can name a few. ;-) Unfortunately, the application was so smart that it violated Facebook privacy rights and has since been taken down.
The guttiest part of this entire campaign was that CP+B's goal wasn't to show a taste test or build an portable application, it was to sell burgers any way possible. And they have done so by pushing buttons, getting real national recognition (SNL), and more importantly getting people thinking about where they eat.
What I love about this work is that I could envision the client brief. SELL BURGERS AT ALL COSTS. I am sure the fun ensued from there.
Allstate and the U.S. Olympic Committee joined hands to create a site and program that could lead to an Olympic bid for the city of Chicago. The Allstate "Design a Chicago Playground Contest"
allowed participating children to submit their ideas on how to build a
virtual, U.S. Olympic-themed playground. The winning designs may also
"inspire" an actual park to be built in Chicago.
When you visit, you will find an interface that lets kids and adults use a step-by-step tablet to create their own park. The site was
initially conceived as a contest where the top vote-getter
would have their design actually built within Jesse Owens Park on
Chicago's South Side. Winners won't be announced until March. You can view a gallery of entries for inspiration
and try their hand at building a playground all their own.