This week I was startled by the news that General Motors Corp reported a $15.5 billion quarterly loss on Friday as North American sales dropped by 20 percent and resale prices for SUVs coming off lease plunged. Admits this economic chaos where American car makers are sinking in a sea of SUV’s, Scion seems to be a catalyst for automotive change. The Scion brand evangelists are driving an 8% increase in their sales.
Scion’s proposition and promise is unique. Their couture for cars approach is appealing to young drivers who want a say in how the car looks, who designs their car, how the car makes them feels and more importantly why the car Unites Their Individuality.
The Unites Their Individuality campaign highlights the human need for individuality among their own a validating community. It reached the automotive lover in a way that focuses their passion on a brand that allows them to live big and save. From Print to TV [] to its digital presence Scion has managed to capture the hearts and minds of its brand evangelists and used them as key influencer's in the market place.
Check out their beautifully designed site at, more importantly see the consumer conversations that their marketing teams have inspired by google-ing Unites Their Individuality. Those conversations are being attributed the the Scion surge in sales.