Tonight was a fun night mingling and drinking with the agencies who have defined a transforming year in the interactive marketing industry. This has been a year of rapid change for many marketers. TracyLocke was recognized as an agency who is an innovator in the digital marketing landscape.
Tonight I was lucky enough to represent TracyLocke for work that we did with the Hershey Company this past spring. TracyLocke walked away with the Silver Mixx Award in the Super Rich content category for its work on the Ice Breakers Watch and Whoa - MTV's Spring Break experience. What makes this award so special is that this is TracyLocke's first formal recognition by the digital marketing industry for creativity and effectiveness in a campaign.
Over the past year, I have worked with an group of individuals that share this honor with me tonight. Special thanks go out to Jay Pichamuthu, Kit Cramer, Carlyn Kelly, Matt Spielman, Erica Lenard and Peter Griffin at MTV Networks, the gang at Visual Goodness and of course the Ice Breakers Brand team who took a risk on an idea that has started a conversation with its core consumers.
Tonight, I put the award under my pillow (and dream of the crisp sandy beaches, the 22 hours days and the drunk spring breakers) and feel honored to have had a little something to do with it.